A Letter To My Birthday Girl
Dear Hannah,

I have to say my faith was a little rocky then. When I was pregnant with Pacey, God told me we were going to adopt a boy, and by then, I knew that God was making it happen. But He never mentioned you. Why? Maybe because you were never going to be mine. At least that was my fear.
But Nathanuel was so eager to meet you and your birthday was so important to all of us that even though you were all the way across the country (You were in Washington and we were in Virginia), we made a birthday cake, decorated it, sang Happy Birthday, and blew out a candle.

We were so excited to meet you and you weren't the least bit shy. We got to spend every day with you, and I remember your foster mom asking me if you could stay the night with me at the hotel the second night we were there. I was scared to death the next morning when I woke up. I quietly crawled to the end of my bed to peak into your crib. You were playing happily in there, but I wasn't sure how you'd respond when you saw me, a complete stranger, instead of your foster mom. You looked up at me and your eyes brightened, your lips perked up into a precious smile as you said, "Hiiiiiiiii!" as if you couldn't be happier to see me.
I must have been holding my breath that moment because I remember breathing out a sigh of relief. We alternated nights with you and you responded the same way every morning..."Hiiiiiiiiii!" And you were great the entire week with us.
Your dad flew in a few days later and we met him at the airport. He approached and you held out your arms and called, "Dadda." We were all surprised and I could see the sadness in your foster mom's eyes as she said, "Well, I guess that's a good sign." I knew she loved you and so wanted to keep you.
Our social worker had just happened to schedule a last-minute hearing for the day before our departure. (I think we found out about this hearing the day before we left Virginia to come meet you). She said that it would be good for the judge to meet us so that he could see we were dedicated and interested in having you placed with us should things work out where you could be adopted. We showed up to the hearing all dressed up, including Nathanuel who looked so spiffy in his little suit and black dress shoes. The hearing was short, and to our amazement, the judge decided to go ahead and place you with us.
It all felt like a dream. I could NOT believe what was happening. That day was supposed to be the last day of our visit and in an instant we were told that I was bringing you home with us! We rushed straight to the social worker's office and got a voucher to pick up all the things we couldn't have possibly have had because you weren't supposed to be coming home with us. Car Seat? Check. Clothes? Check. Diapers? Check...
And the next day, I loaded you up and I drove all the way back to Virginia with my cousin, three boys, and you in tow. We had to stop every two hours. If I waited a minute longer, your diaper would burst in a mess because you drank constantly. I guess it was your comfort thing. As long as you had your bottle and could twirl your curly hair, you were happy.
Needless to say, the trip home took a bit longer, and I was even more stressed! I drove 19 hours the last night. Your dad asked me if I wanted to just get a hotel room and finish the drive in the morning. I was about an hour or two away from home. "I am NOT sleeping in a hotel bed another night!" I insisted. Then I fought having hallucinations from the weariness the last hour home. In retrospect, I would have made the safer decision now that I am a bit older and wiser! But God guided us home just one day before family flew in for a visit.
Everything moved relatively smoothly from there. We finalized the adoption that December. I've asked myself the same question for some time, Why didn't God tell me about you? Then one day it hit me. It wasn't because you weren't meant to be mine. God wanted to surprise and amaze me with an awesome, beautiful, spirited daughter! I think that sometimes you wonder if you are really loved. I want you to know that I would do it all over again in a heartbeat for you!

I love you with all my heart!
I had so much fun on that trip & I am so excited that you let me be part of such a big event in your life. And oh the diapers... up the back, on the car seat and all. Now, that I am a mom also, I am surprised you didn't pull all your hair out. :P You handled it all rather well, a lot better than I would now that's for sure! I love you & miss you all. I love the pictures of the boys, that's how I remember them. Its so weird seeing them all grown up! xoxo!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words! I always felt like you might have thought I was psycho after all my rants and fits during that drive! Ha ha! Gosh, I was stressed and you were so patient and quiet! And you had fun? Woo hoo! Hey, remember the night the guard was knocking on our hotel door insisting we opened it? I was so scared! I didn't that a ghetto hotel could have security! Ha ha!
DeleteAnd yes, I remember pulling at a rest stop and asking you to get wet paper towels from the bathroom because Hannah poo'd all up her back and I'd run out of wipes. (Notice I didn't type "Wipes? Check." ha ha!
I love and miss you too and can't wait for the next time we can see each other! The kids are all growing up way way too fast! :(
I'm just seeing this! lol I re-read the blog trying to catch up with your others & it actually made me cry. lol Hannah is so blessed to have you for her mother.
DeleteAnd yes, I remember the security guards. lol "Ghetto hotel".. lol
It really was a great experience. :)
So wanted my own Mom to have been able to show the love you have poured out upon your adopted children! Motherhood is truly a "calling" and you have thankfully accepted the honor!
ReplyDeleteI have my moments where I mess up BIG! I just hope my kids can forgive me for the mistakes and know they are loved.
DeleteSpeaking of motherhood, you have done a good job! Now Phil...you might have let him get a little rotten! (Just kidding! Phil is awesome, a godly man, and I'm so thankful that he is my husband's friend!) Amy speaks so highly of you, Z & J adore you! And we too have felt your love any time we've come to visit! I guess sometimes our own experiences mold us into a greater person, because you show love in many ways!